5 Reasons to Become an Investment Banker

Why a Person Should Consider Becoming an Investment Banker

  • Learn a Lot About Financial Markets
  • Develop Skills for Advanced Work in Finance
  • Hone Soft Skills
  • Create a Strong Professional Network
  • Enjoy the Potential for High Commissions or Earnings

A person who earns a degree in finance, financial analysis, economics, or business should know about these leading five reasons to become an investment banker. Also known as securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents, these professionals connect buyers and sellers in financial markets. These professionals also sell securities and other types of investments to individuals and companies.

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Learn a Lot About Financial Markets

Working as an investment banker provides an opportunity to learn a lot about financial markets. A person might learn about what makes markets work, predictors of a bull market or a bear market, or what makes a particular business sustainable. Working in investment banking also facilitates exposure to different markets, such as stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, mutual funds, futures, and a wide variety of other financial products.

Develop Skills for Advanced Work in Finance

A person who wants to do more advanced work in finance should start in investment banking. A person who becomes an investment banker learns how to operate in a fast-paced environment. They learn how to perform under pressure. They also learn a lot about how to handle criticism and feedback from their clients and their managers.

Hone Soft Skills

Investment bankers learn how to develop solid people skills. These are often called “soft skills.” Some people might call it an ability to make small talk, schmooze, or connect with others directly after being introduced. This is important for an investment banker because they have to gain the trust of people in order to motivate those people to become their clients. These soft skills can be transferred to any other job in finance or just about any other occupation.

Create a Strong Professional Network

Another reason to become a investment banker is to build a strong professional network. Investment bankers usually work in a large corporation or as part of a team at a firm. This means a chance to build a solid rapport with colleagues. As investment bankers advance in their careers, they may move on to different employers. Chances are good that a person will encounter some of their former colleagues at other institutions, and being on good terms with them could facilitate future business activities.

Enjoy the Potential for High Commissions or Earnings

A person who plans to work as an investment banker has the potential to earn a much higher than average income. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual income of a investment banker or securities sales agent is $64,120. This is much higher than the median annual income of $38,640 for all occupations. Investment bankers who are in the securities, commodity contracts, and other financial investments industries earn a median annual salary exceeding $97,000.


Anyone who is interested in finance and likes working with people will enjoy the opportunities presented by jobs as an investment banker. Because investment bankers work with a wide range of financial products and clients, what they do changes from one day to the next, so no two days are alike. Knowing about these five reasons to become an investment banker could help a person decide which college courses to take, what certifications to earn, and which jobs to apply for upon graduation.

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